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Blue Ocean Smart SystemBecome world’s leading AI SoC company in both technology and business performance了解更多Copyright © 2019 - 南京蓝洋智能科技有限公司上海Blue Ocean中也可以创建Pipeline。1、点击【创建流水线】选择代码仓库以Github为例。2、输入github access token,选择有jenkinsfile文件的仓库3、等待生成流水线Blue Ocean会

>ω< In blue oceans, competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set. A blue ocean is an analogy to describe the wider, deeper potential to be found in unexpBlue Ocean status Blue Ocean will not receive further functionality updates. Blue Ocean will continue to provide easy-to-use Pipeline visualization, but it will n

∪0∪ Jenkins 之Blue Ocean 1. Blue Ocean是什么Blue Ocean 是pipeline的可视化UI。同时兼容经典的自由模式的job。Jenkins Pipeline 从头开始设计,但仍与自由式作业兼容,Blue Ocean Blue Ocean 特性:流水线编辑器:用于创建贯穿始终的持续交付流水线,是一种直观并可视化的流水线编辑器。流水线的可视化:对流水线的可视化表示,提高了全企业范围内持续交付过程的清

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