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小编已经按捺不住激动的心情了,除了每天计算自己回家的日子,制定春节假期的schedule,还学习了如何用英语表达“春节”“拜年”“对联”“红包”等知识,提升自己英语能力的同时,为自5.除夕Lunar New Year's Eve 6.春节the Spring Festival 7.正月lunar January;the first month by lunar calendar 8.正月初一the Lunar New Year's Day 9.元宵节the Lantern Fe

The Spring Festival, the Chinese new year, is the most important festival for all.春节,中国的新年,是所有人以下是一些常见的春节活动词语的英文表达:1.贴春联- Stick Spring Festival couplets 2.烟花爆竹- Fireworks and firecrackers 3.拜年- Pay New Year's visits 4.吃团圆饭-

During the Spring Festival,every family pastes the Spring Festival couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes. 春节期间,每”0IMP5KGX5L”,”0IMP5KpouN”,”0IMP5K7ik2”,”0IMP5KUsLq”,”0IMP5Kb3JX”,”0IMP5KETUQ”,”0IMP5KFMHS”,”0IMP5K8zWU”],”source”:”四川教育手

⊙△⊙ 第二篇:春节习俗英文表达Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year.Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year in slightly d春节的风俗有这些英文:Buy new year goods 买年货;paste Spring Festival couplets 贴春联;cut window flowers 剪窗花;ang New Year pictures 挂年画;new year's Eve dinner

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《春节各种活动的英文表达,用英语介绍春节10句话》
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